Ian Cook an insurance broker, from the Specialist Risks Department at Equity and General Insurance Services Ltd sent us this letter from a client.
Hello Neil,
As requested a few lines regarding insurance renewal premium from A.... Insurance.
It was a feeling of total disbelief that I experienced when noting the renewal premium for my building and contents insurance policy, with A.... Insurance, for my two bedroomed cottage in Boscastle North Cornwall.
From a figure of £429 in 2009, the premium had been increased to £2,729.98 in 2010. The figure was confirmed by the broker at the time, C.... D...
C.... D.... were unable to place the cover with any other company on their data base due to my flood claim in 2004.
I then contacted several well known companies direct but to no avail. A visit to an insurance broker in person also failed to yield any success.
Searching the internet I eventually found a link to you at Equity Gi company details, which provided cover for £374.
This process finding you took considerable time and effort to complete with real concern and associated stress, that I was going to have to find a considerable sum of money to meet a totally unexpected bill from a 'reputable' insurance company!
I think it would be helpful if the alternatives to the likes of A... were more visible, to ensure people are aware that their are options available.
I thank you for your assistance. Kind regards, Ian
If you are looking for insurance for your property and are experiencing problems because you have claimed on it because you suffered flood damage or live an area that could have flods, follow this link to contact Neil Cook.
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